Octave 3.6.4 is latest update from official site.
Command to install in terminal :
sudo apt-get remove octave # If you have installed octave 3.2
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:picaso/octave
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install octave
sudo apt-get install liboctave-dev
Download this package to use octave for signal & control system :
Install package :
sudo su
go to Download directory (ex:
run octave
octaveinstall all package was downloaded :
octave:2> pkg install general-1.3.2.tar.gz -auto
octave:3> pkg install miscellaneous-1.2.0.tar.gz -auto
octave:4> pkg install struct-1.0.10.tar.gz -auto
octave:5> pkg install specfun-1.1.0.tar.gz -auto
octave:6> pkg install control-2.4.2.tar.gz -auto
octave:7> pkg install signal-1.2.2.tar.gz -auto
octave:8> pkg install image-2.0.0.tar.gz -auto
Installation octave & octave package finished. Now, try to run some simulation.
Ex : Bode Diagram
octave:9> num=[0,0,0,20,20]
num =
0 0 0 20 20
octave:10> den=conv([1,5,0],[1,2,10])
den =
1 7 20 50 0
octave:11> sys=tf
tf2sos tf2zp tfestimate tfpolyones
tf2ss tfe tfpoly2str tfpolyzeros
octave:11> sys=tf(num,den)
Transfer function 'sys' from input 'u1' to output ...
20 s + 20
y1: ---------------------------
s^4 + 7 s^3 + 20 s^2 + 50 s
Continuous-time model.
octave:12> w=logspace(-1,2,100)
w =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.10000 0.10723 0.11498 0.12328 0.13219 0.14175
Columns 7 through 12:
0.15199 0.16298 0.17475 0.18738 0.20092 0.21544
Columns 13 through 18:
0.23101 0.24771 0.26561 0.28480 0.30539 0.32745
Columns 19 through 24:
0.35112 0.37649 0.40370 0.43288 0.46416 0.49770
Columns 25 through 30:
0.53367 0.57224 0.61359 0.65793 0.70548 0.75646
Columns 31 through 36:
octave:13> bode(sys,w)
octave:14> bode(sys,w)
octave:15> [Gm, pm, wcp, wcg]=margin(sys)
Gm = 3.1366
pm = 103.66
wcp = 4.0131
wcg = 0.44264
octave:16> GmdB=20*log10(Gm)
GmdB = 9.9293
octave:17> [GmdB pm wpc wcg]
error: 'wpc' undefined near line 17 column 12
octave:17> [Gm, pm, wpc, wcg]=margin(sys)
Gm = 3.1366
pm = 103.66
wpc = 4.0131
wcg = 0.44264
octave:18> [GmdB pm wpc wcg]
ans =
9.92929 103.65727 4.01306 0.44264
octave:19> version
ans = 3.6.4
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